Hatcher Racing
Hatcher Racing began more than 45 years ago when Bill Hatcher stepped behind the wheel of his cherry red 1966 SS Chevelle and challenged a friend to a race down Main Street. From that point, he was hooked and began racing competitively in the NHRA.
Fast-forward to the present, Hatcher Racing is going strong with two competitive race cars, a Competition Eliminator dragster driven by Bill’s son, Will Hatcher, and a Stock Eliminator Camaro driven by Bill. In 2010, Will finished #2 in NHRA Division Five Competition Eliminator points, and #11 in nationwide points. In 2011, Bill accomplished a “Bucket List” dream when he raced and beat racing legend “Big Daddy” Don Garlits.
Hatcher Racing truly is a family affair. Bill and his wife, Marcia, decided early on that if racing was going to be a part of this family, then every member of the family would be a part of racing. Will and his older sister, Jessica, grew up spending countless weekends at the track, and still do. Will and his wife, Adriane, stay busy training Hatcher Racing’s newest crewmembers, William Henry Hatcher IV (“Liam” for short) and his little sister, Cora ("Princess" for short).
Bill Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: Bill Hatcher
KNOWN FOR: Consistency, integrity
OFTEN QUOTED: “That’s how I roll…” “Win or lose, I get to drive a fast car and have fun.”
"Let's roll" "It don't haul much, but it's fresh when it gets there"
WHEN HE’S NOT RACING: Bill enjoys farming, scuba diving and reading.
Will Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: The Thrill, formerly known as The Pill
KNOWN FOR: Keeping cool under pressure
OFTEN QUOTED: “Smile. It makes your butt tickle.”
WHEN HE’S NOT RACING: He’s talking about, thinking about or dreaming about racing.
Liam Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: Lil Liam, Lil Man
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: Organizer and time-management of all the things
KNOWN FOR: Laughing, not sleeping in, watching movies, being on time
OFTEN QUOTED: "How much longer?" , "What does that mean?"
WHEN HE’S NOT RACING: Liam is often found with a broom or vacuum in his hand or attempting death defying maneuvers behind his mother's back and has aspirations of one day getting his own cell phone.
Cora Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: Cora Badger
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: Chief Adorableness Officer of Hatcher Farms
KNOWN FOR: Being the most laid back member of the team. She knows no stress.
OFTEN QUOTED: "Can I borrow your phone to watch videos"
WHEN SHE’S NOT RACING: Cora is often found on a horse, wishing she was on horse or dreaming about horses.
Marcia Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: Mom (even if she’s not actually your mom), Gaygay
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: Online Business Instructor
KNOWN FOR: Keeping everyone in line, wicked dance moves
OFTEN QUOTED: “It’s a real toad-strangler out there!” “Go suck an egg!” “We all need to clean up our language.”
WHEN SHE’S NOT RACING: Marcia enjoys getting Bill to try new things with her – most recently, swing dance lessons.
Jessica Hatcher-Scantlin, Los Angeles, CA
NICKNAME: Jess, or Princess (but only if accompanied by a sneering, sarcastic tone)
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: Senior Director of Public Relations and Communication - NHRA
KNOWN FOR: Flying in and working from the track, general klutziness, occasional bossiness
OFTEN QUOTED: “If everyone would just do what I want, we wouldn't have a problem.”
WHEN SHE’S NOT RACING: Jessica is adjusting to life in LA - learning the unwritten traffic rules, shopping, trying new things and learning to be Scantlin "on time." She also enjoys Skyping with her nephew, Liam and niece, Cora when their schedule allows it.
Ben Scantlin: Los Angeles, CA
NICKNAME: $cantalino
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: President and CEO of Imagination 9
KNOWN FOR: Filming everything, staying out of the way
OFTEN QUOTED: "Refuse to Lose"
WHEN HE’S NOT RACING: Ben is developing on the Hatcher Racing website, helping Jessica adjust to life in LA, and screening films (we call it “watching movies”).
Adriane Hatcher, Satanta, KS
NICKNAME: Adriaaanne
FULL-TIME OCCUPATION: Professional photographer, Bear Creek Photography
KNOWN FOR: Speaking her mind, napping
OFTEN QUOTED: “I don’t know what to tell ya…” “Is this really what I married into?”
WHEN SHE’S NOT RACING: Adriane keeps her hands full raising Liam and Cora – feeding them, chasing them and teaching them.